The Power Of Productivity: By Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

Genesis 1:26 The Saint’s, must understand these boundaries of dominion and walk therein. “And Elohim said, let us make adam.” Adam means dark earth, it’s not the name of the first man. By the way, Adam was not the first man, you know that right? The first man made in the image and the likeness of Christ is this entity called Adam. But adam means “dark earth.” There have been many humanoid species designed and created by God until Adam. You know this theologically right? In theology we call it “the gap theory,” the mystery that explains Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. In the beginning God creates the Heaven and the earth, and everything God creates is good, and so we see that there is darkness and void – Darkness and disarray, it always follows judgement, darkness-always follows judgement. And in scripture judgment happens by only two elements, water and fire. That was the water that swept across the face of the Earth. And then the Bible says the Spirit of the Lord hovered round the face of the deep, then verse three, “And Elohim said Light be.” The word “light be” means “light appear,” not light manifest, it was always there, and that light was not sunlight, because the other lights were made in day 4. So this light was what John said was the life of men. He released the life giving factor that He withdrew. Hallelujah!
Productivity, let’s look up. “Let us make man in Our own image,” Our character, He says “after our likeness,” let him function like Us. Are we together now? Yes. If you see a man with five or ten hands, it’s an attack because that’s not the likeness of God. Are we together now? Yes. “And let them have dominion, over the fish of the sea, the fowl of the air,” now notice that everytime He mentions one of the animals that represent the king of the domain. For the sea, He says is fish, for the fowl of the air, and over cattle, over all the earth. Are we together? And over all the creeping things. Genesis 1:28., “And God blessed them and said, be fruitful,” has nothing to do with having children, “be fruitful, and multiply,” Pastor, the real miracle of dominion is the third word “replenish.” You remain poor until you replenish. You fear your success, the cure for lack, is the ability to replenish. The Hallmark of productivity is not being fruitful, it’s the fortitude, the ability to replenish. You become a giver when you have the ability to replenish. Replenish means, insist that the supply does not end. You will always fear what is small, you will always fear what is left, but you never fear what you can reproduce.
This is the principle that has been used by the largest companies, the conglomerates around the world. They have not only mastered the art of being fruitful, they have mastered the art of replenishing. Your money finishes not because you’re not fruitful, because there is no ability to replenish. Subdue, have dominion. So He’s listing all these things and saying you should have dominion. It is important for the Saint’s to understand that our dominion, from a sociological standpoint will be base on the value and the contribution that we bring to the socio-economic sphere of every territory. It is not enough to…, Your prayer and all of this are realities that only affect your dealings with God in the realm of the Spirit. But to bring this truths to experience, and to cause the cosmos to bow to the Christ, there is a place for “productivity.”
Productivity is the ability to turn your value into products and services that are needed and useful – serve with excellence to a targeted consumer base. I just defined business. Business has nothing to do with being a businessman. The foundation of business is value.
Value is a measure of your usefulness to a people. You know you are useful when men seek you. Men seeking you, and seeking what you carry is a report card, an attestation to your value. “All men seek for Thee.” Now this is where believers don’t pay attention. And I bless the Lord for putting conferences like this to guide believers, because sometimes, respectfully so, but especially we men of God that operate in the Apostolic and the Prophetic. We seem to downplay, because of the excellency of what these gifts, and the investment of the Spirit does in our lives, we usually are not careful to mentor people into being productive from a sociological standpoint, we make it look as though being useful and valuable from a sociological standpoint is unnecessary – just pray and be serious, just because I’m a man of God, I can prophesy to a millionaire right now, and he will do a transfer of a million dollars to my account, I can use that template to mentor believers, but the problem is, they are not called to the fivefold ministry, so what is the system, the levitical system of wealth is an unusual system. If you are a man of God, there is a levitical privilege given to you. Someone can see me now and bless me with what is someone’s salary for ten years, but that is not the recommended template for all and sundry, it’s an advantage given to me by reason of what I do, we must communicate truths that are applicable regardless of what you do, and the secret is VALUE. It’s not the superstition we sweep Africa with.
I thank God because I work in the anointing and in the power of God, because most times, when people teach these things, we think that they teach it only because they are remedying for the weakness of the anointing. A territory that is not productive will beg. There is no debate, there is no contention. You are valuable to the degree to which you can come up.., now listen value is twofold, the first is VIRTUE, your character, not your transactable skill. Our generation focuses so much on transaction, and our transactable skills, that is profitable, but it is only useful if you’re a man of VIRTUE. Virtue is a measure of your closeness to the character of Christ, it has monetary value.
Ask any billionaire, ask any millionaire, there are very blessed people in this place, ask them, they will tell you it is difficult to find men of integrity, it’s difficult to find loyal people.
You will hear me say it again and again, Pastor that when skill and character runs a sprint, skill will win, but when skill and character runs a marathon, character will win. A gifted rebel is not an asset. No! There are many people who do not see the excellence of having character, the diplomacy to see things and still keep quiet. You must not say everything you see, it’s an art, you must master emotional stability. The ability to see an open door amd still not move, stability! Not everything is collectible, there are times you sell your birth right. Is God blessing us?
Virtue! The virtue of honor, the virtue of faithfulness, the virtue of integrity, the ability to honor all men, don’t see Graced people and ignore them, no! Character! You can earn a living being a man of character. It will veto your certificate, it will veto anything.
There are many, gifted Nigerians who are dangerous. The first day you come to a blessed man’s house, by the second day you go on social media, “wonders will never end, that’s the caption.” Imagine with me, going to the house of a man, and you think everybody is stupid who is online, and seeing this and that, and an armed robber who has been trying to find out what is in that house, is leveraging on the foolishness of the saints.
Oh! So this is the first door, that leads to the left, so this is how the kitchen is. Two weeks later, they’ve come to burgle them, and a prophet who does not see well, will say you are the thief. Because by the operation of the Spirit, he would be scanning those who are associated with that theft, and the prophetic radar would find you. You just find police come and say let’s go to the prison, what is it for, you will know when we reach there. See, this is how the Saint’s cause all kinds of trouble.
Listen! You must trust God for Grace to be a man or woman of solid character. It is not easy, that’s why we are engraced to live it. Run around pursuing wealthy people, inconveniencing them, getting angry, believing you are entitled to a portion of their money, who do you think are? You see, we have this ugly mindset. You see people blessed, you think everyone is a thief, especially if they’re young. Behind every glory, there is a story. Is God blessing us?
Character! And then, your transactable skill. Laziness is one thing that both God and Satan agree that it’s useless. Laziness! Both God and Satan, are in agreement, none of them would use you when you’re lazy. Listen! Are we together? God is challenging us.
Let me show you one scripture, 1 kings chapter 7, I found this scripture, and it blessed me Pastor. 1 kings chapter 7, we’ll read 13 and 14. Is God helping us tonight? Many of you would leave this place rejoicing, you will say I’ve found it. Now listen! How many of you know you’re blessed only when you really serve kings, because the treasure is in the king’s palace. The treasure is not in the street. So, you will never enter your Sabbath until you get to the palace. You may start from anywhere, but your goal should be to serve kings. 1 kings 1:13-14., “And king Solomon, sent and fetched Hiram out of Tyre. 14, now listen, whoever this Hiram is, we want to find out about him. Whoever would make king Solomon to say go and look for him, I am interested in this guy. It says, “he was a widow’s son.” Look at that humble background, a widow’s son, of the tribe of Naphtali, and his father was a man of Tyre. You know that Tyre and Sidon was the business hub of the then world, and then a worker in brass, he was filled with wisdom, and understanding, and cunning to work all works in brass, and he came to king Solomon, and he rot his work.
Competence pays, competence pays, mediocrity is the quickest way to sap your energy, because you are neither here, nor there. I made up my mind under God that every area the Lord would want to grant me Grace, every mountain He would want me to be represented in, am not called to do everything, but the area that the Lord has granted me Grace, I would master it with the flawlessness of an artist. You will think because there are 7.2billion people in the world, everybody is looking for everybody, it’s a sociological comforting statement, it’s a statement to just comfort everybody, you are useful, you are valuable, it is true in theory, but let me tell you those the world is looking for are a handful, they are an endangered species, that’s why nations would continue to place a demand on you, as a report card, that there are not many like you.
There are people in this country, who would never go out of jobs for more than two months, they are too valuable to be that idle. It is true, don’t be sad with what I’m saying, I’m not being sarcastic, I love you, but it’s true. There are people who literally are the backbone of many cooperations in this, most of what I done is administrative, the real value adding advantage of a cooperation is powered by a handful of people, and those people are an endangered species, they are protected jealously.
You must trust God for Grace to obtain.., listen step into a level of competence that veto’s your background, veto’s your gender. The moment people begin to put advantages of tribe and gender, it is only their way of explaining away the fundamental reality of your incompetence. “All men seek for thee.”
I was coming out to come here Pastor, and there’s this keyboardist who was just playing in the hotel where we were lodged, boy! Excellence has a language. As soon as I stepped down, I just saw the young man, he was just playing, this gentleman was so good, I said wow, look at this. Hiram was a widow’s son, his competence took him to a level where king Solomon, there was no GSM, how was Solomon told, that there is a young man, if you want the best, call him! That a man can be seated in his house, and someone would come from another Nation and say, we came because we heard that there is an architect in Lagos, we saw something. Please curse the spirit of mediocrity from your life forever, it is a real demon, curse it! Don’t spare yourself when you have to wake up in the night. No, seat, burn the candles, study! You’re a man of God, don’t just go around looking for impartation, seat down, “and that from a child, thou has known the Holy Scripture, that is able to make you wise unto salvation.” Competent! Be competent! When you can speak to kings, you will eat of the bread of kings. Hallelujah!
I hear all the songs, one of my cars has Pastor Nathaniel’s song permanently, it plays like that. Did you know I use to be a music director before, many years ago, so I have., I don’t just listen to songs carelessly and say as the Spirit leads, no! It’s too late, I’ve trained my faculty to appreciate excellence. “Why choose between excellence and revelation, when I can combine both?” So I search for an album that minister’s to every tripartite dimension of me. As you can imagine, people give me gifts all the time, and everybody just produces something and say Apostle, just play it in your car, and your covenant would work, and I say ah… Even if you don’t respect my car, respect me, what is all that? I live an inspired life. Because people wait for your inspiration to drink from.
Am a chef, like who?, Who can you cook for? Be honest, as a man of God, don’t preach nonsense and go down, and someone says, wow, that was powerful, and you say really? You know the truth, be honest with yourself, in the name of honesty. You give a talk and a presentation in your office, vet yourself from the lense of, be strict enough to meet kings. I’m an architect, I can build the estate. What a risk, are you really an architect, can you do that, have you worked that much? Build a building bending anyhow, falls, you waste someone’s money, and you know, human beings are like elephants when it has to do with memory, they will remember you, after ten years when you’ve repented, they’ll still look at you, and say I remember, 1991, you!
Say in the Name of Jesus, say in the Name of Jesus, I receive Grace, to crush mediocrity. I receive Grace, to be competent, turn it into prayer in one minute.
Hallelujah! Please sit down, never try to fake what can be real, we like the stage, the stage is for prepared people. When you are still learning, stay in the cave of abdulam. Stay honorably. When your season comes, there is a period in everyman’s life called “the season of appearing,” you know people just have this funny way of saying, people just came out of no where, there is nobody who comes out of no where. It’s only that, when you’re in the wilderness, you’re alone. Kill the lion, but remain silent, kill the bear, but remain silent, there is still Goliath to cause you to shine, be patient!
Let me encourage, and I say this respectfully, and with a heart of love, let me encourage men of God, business people, music ministers, be patient! Premature exposure is a way if keeping yourself at the backside forever. There are many things thar are not delays, it is God’s chance of getting you to be prepared before your destiny helpers see you. When God wants to lift you, He will work on you, then put all your destiny helpers in front of you, and says, now David, go! David killed Goliath, and got a wife without asking her out, his family was free of tasks, look at all those advantages. “Never fight battles, until you know the reward that is there.” Stay in the wilderness, let God put a reward. There are many men of God who are great and mighty, but they continue to run around, trying to look for opportunities, music minister’s, and I know we’re sincere people, but that’s not how it works. In the economy of God, a man is only approved of God, and then, God creates the stage. Leave the intelligence of God to the invention of how you’ll come to light.
Someone after this conference needs to go back home, go to a book store, the money you want to use to buy clothes with, change your mind, go and buy certain materials, go online, stay! Shutdown every movie for the next one month, respectfully so, and tell yourself, I’m tired of embarrassment. I’m tired if being like Mordecai, I keep standing close to the gate, but never enter.
“And John remained in the wilderness, until his season of appearing.” Is God speaking to us? Apostle, I want to go into the food industry, then settle down and master it. If you’re the only one who’s eating your food, you’re not going anywhere, let me assure you, you cannot pay yourself, you’re violating the law of exchange. The one who’s holding the money you need, you must rise to their level of excellence. Kings would not come down to ear your food, no! There are too many options. Make up your mind, you’re music minister, make up your mind that the day God grants you Grace, and you hold the mic, to lift up the name of the Lord, that from that one meeting, there would be invitations, and people would say, look, we have discerned a Grace. “Preparation is powerful!” Is God speaking to us?
Prophet of God, I know, you’re a mighty man of God, but running around to push everyman of God for space is a wasted effort, stay in the secret place, sharpen the Prophetic, sharpen the Apostolic.
You may be serving as an usher, serve with honor, continue, you cannot light a lamp, and put it under a bushel. The money you use to print cards, transfer it to your brain, transfer it to your spirit. “Don’t fake what can be real.”
Please receive Grace in the Name of Jesus to settle down.
Settle down, don’t vet yourself by low level standards, this church is a compendium of exceptional people, from your Pastor, Pastor Nathaniel, join the campaign of men and women who are effortlessly competent. Competent to a point that everytime you talk about them, there is a unanimous agreement. I don’t like him, but as far as this project is concerned, we have no option.
“We’re not called to do everything, but please be outstanding.” Excellence bring Glory to the Name of the Lord, it is one of the major dominion system. Because Pastor, we’re relating with the cosmos, and the cosmos do not have honor for the God that we represent, so we must present the Glory of God in a context that cosmos needs, and the name of that context is EXCELLENCE. Hallelujah!
You are a tailor, you measure someone size ten (10), and you sew size fourteen (14). You can adjust it later on, but you have died already, at the beginning. What is responsible for that abberation?
You don’t like what am teaching you?
Many of you, what you hold will work like a charm. See this are the systems by which we tame life. The systems that will make, when people keep talking of your tribe, where are you from? Those things are indices that is trying to communicate their frustrations, they are tired of you lack of value, so they want to look for a legitimate reason to drive you far.
I don’t tolerate mediocrity with my people, it’s a core value to be excellent. I insist, you may cry, but be excellent. You will thank me at the other side of your victory. This is what real mentorship is about – loving you too much to leave you the way you are. The insistence to see the more superior version of you.

Please download and listen to the full sermon and get even more blessed.
Original Sermon: OIC2019 DOMINION – Day 4 – Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak
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